Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Cloud Computing in the Philippines, Why Now?

Let's face it, Cloud Computing has not taken root in the Philippines the same way that it has caught fire in developed countries or generated levels of enthusiasm evident in other ASEAN countries like Singapore or Thailand. This is a net result of four conspiring factors:
  1. Infrastructure Deficiencies
  2. Security and Privacy concerns with Public Cloud  Data Storage
  3. Lack of Critical Mass in Demand
  4. Insufficient Understanding
I'm pleased to report that though these factors have succesfully stunted the adoption of Cloud Computing in the Philippines, the following undercurrents lead me to believe that we are on the cusp of seeing broader adoption in the next 1 to 3 years:
  1. Consumerization of IT 
  2. Proliferation of always-connected Smart Devices
  3. Broadening internet reach in the Philippines
  4. Continued Emergence of the Private Cloud and Utility Computing
  5. Exponential growth in personal and business data
  6. Emergence of classes of applications, business models, and services enabled by Cloud Computing
  7. Rise of the BPO and Call-Center Industries
  8. Recent launch of the first Philippine Cloud Computing Service (PLDT link)
We'll dive into each as we go along.